The 6 Month Coaching Program

Welcome to THRIVE

The 6 month coaching program to break you past the ceiling of your wounding, history, and trauma, so you can recover your access to life on your own terms.

Together we’ll unearth, feel and heal the wounds that have kept you small, stuck and living in reruns of the past so you can finally get a shot at life as the YOU that layers of trauma and conditioning have been sitting on.

“You are far greater, more capable and more welcome to what you desire than your wounds and trauma made you believe. I’m here to help you know that in your bones, run with it, and recover your access to the life you want.”

Worked your tail off to heal and create a life you love but still finding yourself stuck in one or more areas of your life? 

Worried you might not be cut out for the level of happiness, thriving and fulfilment you want deep down?

Sometimes feel like your wounds, trauma or history preclude you from experiencing, having (or being able to enjoy) certain things like love, sex, partnership, work, or earning a great living?

I couldn’t understand you more.

If as a child your primary relationships were more difficult than supportive, if you got off to a rough start in life, or if at some point in your childhood you got the message that you, AS YOU WERE, weren’t welcome or enough, the emotional impact of that can ripple well into adulthood and make it feel as though there’s a cap on…

  • How much you get to heal.

  • How much goodness you get to experience.

  • How much love you get to have.

  • The quality of your relationships.

  • The level of abundance you can reach for.

  • The extent to which you can succeed.

  • How much you can enjoy the goodness you create or receive.

  • And how much ease, pleasure and peace you get to feel in your body.

I know from personal experience and through my work with clients that the side effects of early in life trauma (even when considered relatively mild) create a virtually unworkable forcefield around our efforts to heal and thrive.

Many of us go above and beyond to take responsibility for our wounds, live on new terms, feel at peace, grow spiritually, find healthy, loving relationships, and provide for ourselves abundantly through meaningful work, but it’s like we’re running on a looping conveyor belt that’s moving the other way, while the rest of the world zooms by without breaking a sweat.

If you’ve been at it (trying to push your work forward, heal, find love, find purpose, etc) for years and despite making considerable progress are still nowhere near where you’d like to be, I’d bet good money what’s behind your thwarted efforts isn’t inability, inadequacy or lack of potential, but a suite of deep seated, trauma based self-definitions that are, quite literally, holding the life you want hostage and making you believe the problem is YOU aren’t enough. My dear… you are PLENTY.

THRIVE is a program designed to get you off the conveyor belt, give you ample space to understand and heal the wounds that left unchecked rob you of life, and support you in taking back the sense of your own wholeness that trauma took from you, so you can recover your access to the life YOU want to live.


THRIVE is a 6 month, 1:1 coaching program where you and I meet for two 60 minute sessions each month (12 total) over Zoom or voice-call depending on your preference.

Sessions are every other week, and on each session everything is on the table. This is where we do all the unpacking, reframing, questioning and processing together. Expect regular epiphanies and huge shifts in perspective.

While every session will include leaning deeper into the seat of your felt experience, depending on the needs of your journey, some sessions will be primarily somatic. Here we’ll focus specifically on what you’re feeling in your body. The point of Somatic Sessions is to make sure the work we’re doing is landing at a felt level, give you the opportunity to move through layers of complex emotion in a safe and supportive context, and give you the tools to stay with and artfully, powerfully, unwaveringly honour your sensational truth. This is a crucial piece to the puzzle.

Between sessions you will also have unlimited email support from me Monday through Friday.

My coaching style is intimate, fluid, safe and non-judgemental. Nothing excites me more than the ins and outs of the human condition, I love coaching, and I’m fascinated by and deeply invested in my clients’ journeys. You’ll feel my passion for working with you every step of the way.

Because only YOU can know how something’s landing for you, you’re fully encouraged to share your feedback and needs with me without fear. While I will, from time to time, bring things to your awareness that might be confronting, my priority will always be your safety and wellbeing and I will never encourage you to press past an edge that would cost you your own trust.

Enrolling in THRIVE means partnering up with me in favour of your no-holds-barred healing and thriving.

I’ve got a real talent for spotting what the real issue is and knowing what to solve for to get you as free, safe and empowered as possible.

You’ll have me 100% on “Team You.” This has been my journey too, I know what it takes, and I’ll be right there with you as you challenge whatever’s keeping you from healing and thriving the way you most want.

These six months will be some of the most important of your life, they will change the course of your future, and the work you do in THRIVE will likely be front and centre for the duration of our work together. In other words, THRIVE isn’t a side support, it’s a full on journey into yourself, a commitment to healing well beyond “just okay,” and a huge shift towards living the life you were born to live on your own terms, and truly thriving.

The work we do in THRIVE rests on the premise that you, at your core are expertly equipped to live, love, feel, think, create, express, work, earn, set boundaries and get your needs met, exactly (or incredibly close to) the way you most want.

In fact, our come-from is that THRIVING is your natural state, and a lot of what we do together is peeling back the layers that are keeping you from that core, or how I like to call it: your Original Essence.

This isn’t some hokey term. You were born with so much more than your family of origin likely knew what to do with, I’m here to help you reclaim that and use it in service of your life. That requires making it abundantly clear that the reasons you disowned parts of your essence to begin with, are no longer a thing (and if they are, to set them straight).


Addition by subtraction really is the name of the game here. Let me explain…

In THRIVE you will:

  • Move from chronic survival mode closer to the baseline of ease that you were undoubtedly born with (this is so huge).

  • Legitimise your selfhood and inherent worth so you’re no longer settling for crumbs, trying to prove yourself, or too afraid to take leaps in your life because of what it might mean to fail.

  • Begin to show up in your relationships, work, and life as who you really are.

  • And so much more.

  • Take back the parts of you that trauma, or the fear of loss of belonging in your family of origin caused you to disown.

  • Retire the belief that you were hurt because you were flawed or not good enough.

  • Learn to prioritise your own self-regard over anyone else’s.

  • Grieve the wounds of your past so they’re no longer what you project onto your present.

The Key Ingredient

In my own healing process, I’ve learned first hand there’s only so far we can go without turning inwards and tending to the young and vulnerable parts of us, because they bore the brunt of our wounds. This is our inner child, or more adequately, our inner children.

Ambivalence, or even flippancy towards working with our inner child(ren) is incredibly common but what I’ve found is, an inner child that feels un-parented, invisible and in-valid is the main (if not the only) reason we continue to play by the rules of our past in our present, thereby creating more of the same.

Through THRIVE, I’ll be encouraging you to turn towards these young parts of yourself and commit to provide them with everything they so desperately missed from here on out.

I guarantee the shifts this alone will bring about will completely transform your life in all ways.


The results that may come from embarking on THRIVE are as varied as there are human beings on the planet. They depend hugely on what thriving means to you.

Here’s what I can tell you…

Whatever it is you deeply want in your life is no accident. Your core desires are pointers to your true nature, calls to emerge as the YOU that your wounds and conditioning caused you to disown, and when you create the space and safety to take that back so much becomes so much easier.

How might things change if the belief “I’m not enough” wasn’t there anymore? What if you lost the need to prove your worth? What might you do differently if failure wasn’t a worry? How would feeling deeply safe and at one within yourself change how you show up in your life?

Ultimately YOU, and the recovery of YOUR sense of wholeness and access to life is the result here. There’s no end to what you can do with that, but more importantly, you are your own reward here.

But because I know concrete examples can be super helpful, as a result of doing this work I’ve seen clients:

  • Move from trying to prove their worth in thankless situations, to owning their worth and choosing things that honour them.

  • Shed the belief their histories define what they get to have in life, and living what previously seemed unthinkable - partnership, jobs, healing, financial abundance, big moves, new beginnings, healthy endings…

  • Set boundaries that honour what’s true for them with ease and certainty when before they were paralysed by guilt, shame and self-doubt.

  • See the fulfilment of their desires as a series of simple, doable, neutral steps that they’re able to take in an empowered way.

  • Put to bed self-sabotaging behaviours like heavy drinking and smoking with relative ease.

  • Go from chronic anxiety, hypervigillance and the need to hide, to a baseline of felt ease and innermost safety they carry with them wherever they go.

  • Take big, bold action without the emotional rollercoaster of “If I do this I’ll finally lift the curse! But if I fail, I’ll be cursed forever” and see big bold things happen as a result.

  • Go from waiting to be perfect before their real lives can begin, to seizing their lives in full, just as they are.

  • Develop a core of unwavering self-love, safety and tenderness that’s independent from anything and anyone outside them.

  • Disentangle from their families of origin and retire the roles they were expected to play, in favour of what feels good and true on their own terms.

  • Get non-negotiable about what gets to be in, or not be in their lives, from a light and steady heart and mind.

  • I could go on, and can also say these are all completely in line with what doing this work has done for me.

Of course I’m biassed, but I know this work is powerful, life affirming, and so needed if we’re to truly heal - as in become whole again - and thrive, and savour our lives in full while we’re still here.

In the simplest terms, THRIVE is here to help you recover your access to the life you want, from the inside out, instead of trying to negotiate your right to it until it’s too late.

I can’t think of anything more important, and nothing gives me more joy than supporting you on this journey.

  • You’ve been working on yourself for a long time, have made progress, but feel there’s a “next level” you feel is for you that you haven’t been able to break through to.

  • There’s an area you’ve been stuck in (how you feel, relationships, work, finances) that feels heavy, charged and impossible to shift.

  • You want to see what you’re capable of without the weight of painful and limiting self-concepts holding you back.

  • You’re no longer willing to endure, in order to preserve the status quo.

  • You’re done feeling the same pain or fear you felt as a child, as an adult.

THRIVE is a good fit for you if:

  • You’re ready to shed your sense of worthlessness, brokenness and exclusion from the good things of life.

  • You want to release the limits your history and conditioning placed on what you get to have, how you get to live, and what gets to be true for you.

  • You’re in a place where you feel mentally and emotionally resourced enough you can dive deep, and fully commit to the journey.

  • More than turning a new leaf, you’re ready to close the book of the life you’ve lived and start a new one that centres and serves the most authentic, true and courageous expression of you.

It might not be the right time if you’re…

  • Not prepared to take full responsibility for your healing and thriving at this time.

  • Not in a resourced mental/emotional space. This work is deep and can be confronting, it requires a stable and resourced baseline and it’s okay to not be ready to do it just yet.

  • Aren’t able to make time for doing the work between sessions (that might look like journaling, meditation, reflection, movement practice, etc, depending on what’s needed most at the time. It’s never arduous but it’s important that you stay involved in this work beyond our time together).

  • Making the financial investment would deplete your resources in a way that keeps you from feeling safe and grounded through the process.

Although this feeling like a stretch is a good thing (because it is!), if that stretch is completely unsustainable you won’t have the bandwidth to do this work in a way that’ll bring you the results you want.

It’s also important for you to know I’m not a therapist, I’m a coach. This program is best suited once you’ve reached the “stable and ready to thrive" phase." If at this stage of your journey you’re feeling destabilised, if you’re still processing fresh and intense trauma-related emotions, if you’ve been diagnosed with (or believe you might have) severe mental illness, or if you’d qualify your current state as an emergency, please reach out to a trusted and licensed mental health provider before you consider working with me.

“Is THRIVE for me even if my childhood wasn’t particularly traumatic?”

Excellent question. Short answer: Yes!

Even in the best of cases, it’s absolutely normal for our primary environments to impact us in ways that cost us in later life. There is no “right degree” of trauma or wounding that gives or revokes our right to tend to our wounds, explore what’s holding us back, and do everything we can to thrive in life. If this work calls to you, you’re more than welcome to it.

If you want more of my thoughts on this, click bellow for an excerpt from my ebook, ORIGINAL ESSENCE: Understanding and Reclaiming What Your Core Wounds Cost You.

  • If you feel stuck in one or more areas of your life; if you experience frequent anxiety, anguish or anger; if your self-talk is limiting, abusive or brings you down; if you find it hard to provide for yourself in a way that feels fulfilling; if you have self-worth issues; if you have a hard time saying No (or Yes); if your romantic partners always bite the big one; or they don’t bite the big one but relationships keep falling apart; if you have body image issues; if sexual intimacy feels “inexplicably” fraught; if you’ve failed more times in your head than you’ve tried in reality; if family drama seems to define your life; YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

    Through this work we look at Core Wounds primarily through the lens of the impact they had on us when we incurred them. That means childhood. We do this with the understanding that whether or not, as adults we can rationalise our caregivers’ behaviour and intentions (or lack-thereof), or put certain painful experiences in a perspective that lightens them, if as children we felt an impact, that’s enough to cause harm and shape how we feel, our self-perception, how we relate, and what we think is possible for the rest of our lives.

    Experiences get stored in our bodies and minds the way they felt when we experience them. This means events, frictions or moments that might not look like much in objective hindsight can still be pulling a lot of weight today. If our condition for addressing and healing early-in-life wounds is that their cause must be criminal, or that they must translate to our adult perspective, a lot of necessary healing gets postponed indefinitely. That’s one of the ways trauma gets passed on. Ultimately the journey we’re embarking on is about daring to heal the wounds we have so we can live with more joy, more freedom and more possibilities, not an argument about whether or not we get to call them wounds in the first place.


The cost for THRIVE is one payment of $9,500 (usd) or 6 monthly payments of $1,585. If you choose to pay in full, you’ll receive a bonus 2.5 hour session to claim within a year of beginning the program.

It all begins with us having a good chat…

We’ll spend a good 45 minutes getting all your questions answered, getting to know each other, and feeling into whether or not it’s the absolute best fit to help you bring about the life you’ve been waiting to start. This call is totally FREE and whichever course we ultimately decide on, you’ll leave the call feeling seen, supported and clearer on the other end.
I’ve got you ;)

I’m so excited to support you…

THRIVE is my favourite way to work with clients, and the places we can go, the depth of healing that can unfold, and the tremendous shifts this can bring about in every area of life are endless and just… thrilling!

While this journey isn’t for the faint of heart, the rewards are so worth it, and to team up with you as you heal, expand, and come into your own is the best thing in the world.

I so look forward to taking this step with you. You’re worth it, it’s time, and it’s going to be amazing.

All love,

Ready to see if THRIVE is the perfect fit for you?