
the Intensive

2.5 hours, 1:1 coaching intensive, followed by a week of email support.

Supporting you in pivoting away from trauma based beliefs + limitations, so you can recover your access to life on YOUR own terms.

There’s an area of your life you just can’t seem to break through in in any real way (money, work, love, community, purpose, you name it), you’ve tried everything to perfect, prepare, improve and evolve yourself into the version of you who gets to have it, be it, or make it happen and still… crickets. If this is you, ONWARD might be the perfect fit.

You’ll only reach for what you believe you’re worthy of reaching, or able to do, be and have.

This intensive’s here to help you see exactly how core wounds may have distorted your sense of who you are and how you get to live, and to support you in creating a real distinction between you and those trauma-based limitations so you can finally step out from under them and live the way you want to.

If you have a hunch that childhood wounding is sitting on your adult capacity to thrive in a particular area of your life, LISTEN.

When a perceived limitation can be traced back to core wounds or complex trauma, far from YOU being unworthy, not enough or too broken to make of your life what you want it to be, what’s usually at play is, you were set up with a schema that’s keeping you from doing, being, or having the thing.

From the kind of relationships (if any) we believe are in the cards for us, to how we make a living, to what we say yes or no to - the impact this has is profound.

Through ONWARD, I’m here to help you take a first big step in unsticking yourself from this, so you can recover your access to who you are beneath it, and what you want from your life.

Melanie is so intuitive and tuned in to her inner wisdom that everything we worked on resonated deeply with my needs. She has been a deep inspiration and a source of support and love in and outside her sessions. I have for her a deep sense of admiration and gratitude, and strongly recommend working with her to those that wish to go beyond what they consider possible.


You’ve held a vision of the life you want to live for a long time.

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

In your twenties and thirties, you figured things would eventually align and you’d get to live the way you really wanted to (love, agency, fulfillment, joy, financial bandwidth, ease, peace, truth, healing,…) but as years have gone by, waiting for your real life to begin hasn’t really worked. A part of you still believes in that vision, or wants to, another part is daunted by the passing of time, and worried that so far wanting it hasn’t been enough and you don’t know what else to try.

I know how hard it is to deeply want something you can’t seem to break through to. Specially if there’s been complex trauma in your background, it’s so natural you’d want a chance to live, relate, and work on your own terms; happy, healthy, financially secure, expressed and fulfilled. This is what becomes available without the limiting lens your wounds and complex trauma set you up with. You’ll see it was all SO MUCH MORE ACCESSIBLE to you than it’s felt.

I created the ONWARD intensive, to help you know this body, mind and soul, and to support you in standing firmly on this new awareness, so you can create, have and enjoy the life you want relationally, professionally, financially and any other way you want it.

If trauma (big or small) has coopted your sense of who you are and what you’re worthy of, rather than LIVING in alignment with your deeper truth and creating what you want, you spend your time on Earth trying to earn your right to do that. This looks like jumping through hoops to prove you’re good enough, holding yourself to impossible standards of perfection, never feeling ready to bring your ideas, desires and voice out into the world, and failing in your head before even trying. This is a surefire way to miss your life in the name of getting to live it. It’s a bitch of a cosmic joke, and your life is way to precious to be the butt of it.

At a practical level, this can give you the illusion that NOTHING IS WORKING FOR YOU. Not so, babe.

When your focus is no longer trying to prove you’re worthy of love, respect, healthy partnership, true friendship, pleasure, harmony, earning great money, doing meaningful work, great sex , joy, peace or beauty - but instead on simply and directly welcoming in/reaching for what you desire (which I’m here to help you do), it becomes super clear what wasn’t working was you trying to solve an impossible equation:

By trying to earn your right to live/prove you’re worthy of what you want, you were rejecting the truth that’s ALREADY, ALWAYS BEEN: you already are worthy. You already are ready.

 “Wow! I mean wow! I’m speechless. You couldn’t get this amount of insight in 20 years of therapy. It’s exactly on point and everything I needed to hear.” 


The bulk of what keeps you from owning your desire to THRIVE boils down to relational wounds and rules for staying safe that you learned when you were little. 

Through the ONWARD you’ll meet those wounds with the care and clarity they need to truly heal, and take the first big step into a whole new playbook. One that actually lets you win.

Through ONWARD,
I’ll help you :

*Lay the foundation for a new relational model in which your thriving (with all the power, truth, boundaries, needs, agency, expression and vulnerability it entails) isn’t only safe but wholeheartedly encouraged, celebrated and advocated for. 

*Uncouple your worthiness wounds from what you’re trying to accomplish so you can know it as neutral and avail yourself of your natural access to it (this here is a literal, tangible, night and day game-changer)

*Design a course of action at the level of healing (what’s needed in the here and now to allow you to move from okay to whole, in it and fully thriving), lifestyle (where can we bring more balance and coherence with what you know you want), and actualising in the specific area you’ve been feeling thwarted.

Consider this your homestretch out of scrambling to become, and into claiming the life you want as who you already are.

The ONWARD intensive is designed with a targeted focus in mind so the work we do together really sticks, takes root, and supports you in bringing about measurable shifts for the way better. This is why rather than painting in broad strokes, we’ll take this time to really laser in on one specific area + wound based limitation to create a breakthrough in, so you can recover your access to the life you want. Good news is, once you really see how this works, it’ll be easy to spot it and resolve it left and right. This is just the beginning.

Inner results (peace, legitimacy, self-worth, safety, sovereignty, purpose, clarity and ease) are primary, but make no mistake, YOU SEEING THE MATERIAL RESULTS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR MATTERS BIG TIME.

As you heal from childhood wounding and complex developmental trauma, it is ESSENTIAL that the work you do inside give fruit out in the world.

All relational trauma is a wound of invalidation, erasure and de-legitimisation, and seeing your power, your mark, your materiality reflect the light within you in the outer world, is how you literally re-incarnate from the disembodiment and dispossession of self that trauma inflicts.

I don’t want to leave you with more pie-in-the-sky inspiration that tugs on your heart without sustainably mobilising you, this intensive is here to support you in turning a real corner and stepping into your life in a whole new way.


*Crystal clarity about why being stuck (in the exact way you have been) is the product of an unconscious and outdated coping strategy (yea, that one’s humongous)

*A clear sense of who you you are, what you can have and what you can do to get there that’s not skewed by your trauma goggles.

*A sense of unburdening and freedom to move ONWARD without the weight of the limitations your wounds convinced you were yours.

*A grounded and concrete vision of the path you need to walk to soundly, effectively and directly create the life you want.

I can’t imagine not having done this. It’s scary how close I came to staying where I was. This has been the most important investment I’ve ever made. I’m grateful beyond measure that with so much out there, I found You and The BODY Cure.


Here’s what’s included in this 2.5 hour Zoom intensive:

  • A detailed pre-call questionnaire for you to fill out with time before your intensive. This will help you get clear on what your goals are for the intensive, get me up to speed with your history, where you are at today, what your challenges are and what some of the themes and patterns we’ll be working on. It will be the diving off point for your intensive and will make sure our time together is as impactful as possible.

  • Behind the scenes clarity on exactly what’s pulling the strings when it feels like there’s something wrong/missing/not enough with YOU that means you can’t have what you want. You know in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy pulls the curtain and sees there wasn’t this great, all powerful force behind it all but instead this frail little dude pulling levers and banking on belief? That’s what we’re up to here.

  • Compassionate understanding of the subconscious reasons you keep yourself small, stuck and frustrated by doing what your wound-based programing tells you you can. This  is crucial to making this shift stick. We’re bringing ALL OF YOU with us on this journey, and tending to every unmet need, fear, and tender spot in an empowered and self-honoring way. Again, this is about carrying ALL OF YOU onward to life as you were born to live it.

  • A powerful foundation to begin working with your inner children! These are the young aspects of you that got invalidated, stymied, and fractured so you could stay afloat in childhood. While the trauma goggles stay on, these vulnerable kiddos pull the breaks on anything feels edgy, different, or better than you were taught you deserved or was safe, but as they begin to trust you’ve really got them, they’ll become your greatest source of purpose, inspiration, vitality, creativity, courage and so much more. I’ll teach you how to reconnect with these precious parts of you and build a relationship that nothing and no-one can break. I’m telling you, this is a real life superpower.

  • Potent reframes of the limiting beliefs your wounds or complex trauma set you up with. This is where we re-shuffle the deck and see what used to hold us back in a brand new light. Rather than fight the limiting beliefs with positive affirmations, you’ll learn to see them in the light of truth. This means the power you unknowingly gave them gets to come home.

  • A kind yet candid overview of the patterns, dynamics and behaviors that contradict or sabotage you stepping into the life you want in the now moment (confronting but imperative to make any real shift, otherwise we’re trying to empty the sinking canoe with one hand while filling it with water with the other).

  • An audio recording of your intensive.

  • An in-depth followup email with all the key takeaways laid out in a way you can digest over time and easily implement.

  • And 1 full week of email support from me so you can share any insights, ask any questions that surface from your intensive, ask for validation and safety around anything that’s feeling edgy, or anything you need to nourish you in this powerful reset.

Hey there!

I’m  Melanie Wilder

I work with women who’ve made it their business to heal, but are still coming up against wound-based limiting beliefs that keep them from actualising their desires in concrete ways (healthy and alive romantic partnership, a great living, work that fulfils them or relationships that feel honouring, inspiring and safe). I support them to set themselves free from the conditioning that keeps them from feeling worthy, getting out of their own ways, and taking empowered action, so they can recover their access to the lives they desire.

That was my story too… I experienced severe complex developmental trauma, and for the greater part of my life I felt like a mistake on legs. It really felt like there were certain things I just wasn’t meant to have no matter how good I tried to be, or how hard I worked for them. Dismantling the untruths of complex trauma in service of this one and precious life AND mapping a path I can guide other women through has been my life’s work. I shudder to think of what my life would be like today had I not committed myself to this path (click here for the backstory). Luckily, I know how I got here, it was no accident, and there’s no going back.

I’m here to take a stand for your power and innate right to thrive, help you release the illusion your past gets to decide your present, and make sure you walk the bridge to life as you were born to live it. If I can do it, you can too, and I’ll fiercely and lovingly have your back. Rise, woman. Let’s move mountains together.


the intensive

An investment of $999

And the personalized and in-depth support to:

  • and how to dissolve it with compassion and ease whenever it acts up.

  • so you can go for what you want efficiently. Unburdened, clear and in your power.

  • so you’re not constantly wobbling wondering if you’re a match to it. This is HUGE.

  • to make this a lasting and pivotal shift into a whole new chapter for you, that gives you back your access to the life you want.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this work is non-negotiable if you want to create a present that’s not defined by or confined to the limitations of wounding, trauma or outdated coping mechanisms, and lift the illusion that something bigger than you has decided you don’t get to live the way you want to.

ONWARD is here to support you in knowing yourself as the life before and beyond the story, so you can seize what’s in front of you and take the practical steps that actually get you places instead of jumping through hoops, trying to earn your right to. The time was always NOW and only you have the power to decide what NOW will be the one that gives you back your access to life. It is my honour to support you as you cross this powerful threshold and I cannot wait to see you unfold.

You are so much more than trauma, wounds or conditioning has made you believe. I’m here to help you know that so you can take your life back.


When you think about how much authority your reasons WHY NOT YOU have over your fate, it’s crystal clear why seeing through them (rather than trying to get where you want to be by negotiating with them, which… not happening) is crucial.

This is it, dear woman, the fork in the road, the end of the chapter, the moment of truth. It’s time to close the book you’ve been trapped in, and write the story you know in your bones you were born to live. Let me help you do just that.

ONWARD, my love. You’ve got this.

Every session with her was a break through for me. She has a natural talent for holding her clients with gentleness, ease and exquisite nurturing care that I have never experienced with anyone else. I can’t recommend her enough as your guide on your journey. Melanie is Magic!
