A free, introductory 40 minute coaching call where we’ll:

  • Help you spot where/how trauma and the limiting conditioning it set you up with might be playing a role in keeping you from living, loving, or earning the way you want.

  • Help you understand the true nature and origin of (at least) one of the blocks standing in your way so you can see it’s not that YOU can’t live the way you want to. This part’s huge.

  • Leave you with a clear picture of how to begin to unpack this and take real, healthy and empowered steps towards what you want.

    I promise this won’t just be an invitation to enroll in a program with me, the truth is being really ready to unpack complex trauma and unwind its conditioning is tremendous work that not everyone’s ready to go all in with. That’s okay. This time together really is an opportunity to get you heard, give you insights you can actually use, and help you take the first step into a deeply personal journey in a way that’s supportive and empowering for you, whether we work together long term or not.

    Trust me, you’re in excellent hands, it’s my pleasure to spend this time with you totally pressure free, and I’m sure you’ll be glad you took me up on this :)


(Limited to1per person + for women only)

When you think about how much authority your reasons WHY NOT YOU have over the course of your life, it’s very clear why beginning to see through them (instead of trying to get to where you want to be by negotiating with them) is crucial to any real and sustainable change. This is what you’ll be stepping into on this session, and I couldn’t be happier to confidently say, I’ve got you.